Windows Exploit Development
The topic of memory corruption exploits can be a difficult one to initially break in to. When I first began to explore this topic on the Windows OS I was immediately struck by the surprising shortage of modern and publicly available information dedicated to it. The purpose of this post is not to reinvent the wheel, but rather to document my own learning process as I explored this topic and answer the questions which I myself had as I progressed. I also aim to consolidate and modernize information surrounding the evolution of exploit mitigation systems which exists many places online in outdated and/or incomplete form. This evolution makes existing exploitation techniques more complex, and in some cases renders them obsolete entirely. As I explored this topic I decided to help contribute to a solution to this problem of outdated beginner-oriented exploit information by documenting some of my own experiments and research using modern compilers on a modern OS. This particular text will focus on Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2019, using a series of C/C++ tools and vulnerable applications I’ve written (on my Github here). I’ve decided to begin this series with some of the first research I did, which focuses on 32-bit stack overflows running under Wow64.
Classic Stack Overflows
The classic stack overflow is the easiest memory corruption exploit to understand. A vulnerable application contains a function that writes user-controlled data to the stack without validating its length. This allows an attacker to:
1. Write a shellcode to the stack.
2. Overwrite the return address of the current function to point to the shellcode.
If the stack can be corrupted in this way without breaking the application, the shellcode will execute when the exploited function returns. An example of this concept is as follows:
The stack overflow is a technique which (unlike string format bugs and heap overflows) can still be exploited in a modern Windows application using the same concept it did in its inception decades ago with the publication of Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit. However, the mitigations that now apply to such an attack are considerable.
By default on Windows 10, an application compiled with Visual Studio 2019 will inherit a default set of security mitigations for stack overflow exploits which include:
1. SafeCRT
2. Stack cookies and safe variable ordering
3. Secure Structured Exception Handling (SafeSEH)
4. Data Execution Prevention (DEP)
5. Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)
6. Structured Exception Handling Overwrite Protection (SEHOP)
The depreciation of vulnerable CRT APIs such as strcpy and the introduction of secured versions of these APIs (such as strcpy_s) via the SafeCRT libraries has not been a comprehensive solution to the problem of stack overflows. APIs such as memcpy remain valid, as do non-POSIX variations of these CRT APIs (for example KERNEL32.DLL!lstrcpyA). Attempting to compile an application in Visual Studio 2019 which contains one of these depreciated APIs results in a fatal compilation error, albeit suppressable.
Stack cookies are the security mechanism that attempts to truly “fix” and prevent stack overflows from being exploited at runtime in the first place. SafeSEH and SEHOP mitigate a workaround for stack cookies, while DEP and ASLR are not stack-specific mitigations in the sense that they do not prevent a stack overflow attack or EIP hijack from occurring. Instead, they make the task of executing shellcode through such an attack much more complex. All of these mitigations will be explored in depth as this text advances.This next section will focus on stack cookies — our primary adversary when attempting a modern stack overflow.
Stack Cookies, GS and GS++
With the release of Visual Studio 2003, Microsoft included a new stack overflow mitigation feature called GS into its MSVC compiler. Two years later, they enabled it by default with the release of Visual Studio 2005.
There is a good deal of outdated and/or incomplete information on the topic of GS online, including the original Corelan tutorial which discussed it back in 2009. The reason for this is that the GS security mitigation has evolved since its original release, and in Visual Studio 2010 an enhanced version of GS called GS++ replaced the original GS feature (discussed in an excellent Microsoft Channel9 video created at the time). Confusingly, Microsoft never updated the name of its compiler switch and it remains “/GS” to this day despite in reality being GS++.
GS is fundamentally a security mitigation compiled into a program on the binary level which places strategic stack corruption checks (through use of a stack cookie) in functions containing what Microsoft refers to as “GS buffers” (buffers susceptible to stack overflow attacks). While the original GS only considered arrays of 8 or more elements with an element size of 1 or 2 (char and wide char) as GS buffers, GS++ substantially expanded this definition to include:
1. Any array (regardless of length or element size)
2. Structs (regardless of their contents)
Figure 2 – GS stack canary mechanism
This enhancement has great relevance to modern stack overflows, as it essentially renders all functions susceptible to stack overflow attacks immune to EIP hijack via the return address. This in turn has consequences for other antiquated exploitation techniques such as ASLR bypass via partial EIP overwrite (also discussed in some of the classic Corelan tutorials), which was popularized by the famous Vista CVE-2007-0038 Animated Cursor exploit that took advantage of a struct overflow in 2007. With the advent of GS++ in 2010, partial EIP overwrite stopped being viable as a method for ASLR bypass in the typical stack overflow scenario.
The information on MSDN (last updated four years ago in 2016) regarding GS contradicts some of my own tests when it comes to GS coverage. For example, Microsoft lists the following variables as examples of non-GS buffers:
Last updated
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