πŸ˜ƒWanna Be a Hacker ?

Introduction To what is Hacking and Cybersecurity

What is a Hacker ?

No am not going to use Google, In Simple Words a Hacker is a Person who Tries To Gain access to a System Or Network in an Unusual way ( Ethical Hacker )

Hacking is a creative sport and it's a collaborative sport people team up and you can team up over the Internet and having the best hackers out there give their best for a couple of weeks and then you get this creative outburst that you will never have seen before, also, on a technological level, you get the opportunity to see infrastructure that you've never seen before or new technologies that you have never seen before, it's really awesome to see everybody working and making the Internet safer, that is the true power of a Hacker

A lot of people think of hackers as geeky computer nerds who live in their parent's basement, and spread computer viruses. But, I don't see it that way. Hackers are innovators. Hackers are people who challenge and change the systems to make them work differently, to make them work better. It's just how they think, it's a mindset. I'm growing up in a world that needs more people with the hacker mindset, and not just for technology. Everything is up for being hacked, even skiing, even education. So whether it's Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg or Shane McConkey, having the hacker mindset can change the world. Healthy, happy, creativity, and the hacker mindset are all a large part of my education

- Logan LaPlante

How ?


its a Sort of Hard Question To answer Cuz every Person have his own way of understanding how things works and operates .... Although There Is un-countable number of resources out there whether they were Videos, Blogs, Articles or Git books like this you are Reading

Getting Started With No Experience And Do Not Where To Start

So as a beginner ... Uncle YouTube is going to be your best and first friend in this long journey ... YouTube contains a content for all levels in cybersecurity ... especially now days content creators about cybersecurity and computer science and security are getting better and spreading much more everyday ... BUT !!!! ... in this " Getting Started " Part ... I will be sharing Videos and Courses (Playlists) that i recommend watching as a no experience person intrested in cybersecurity

Important Note For Beginners

Getting Into This Field Does Not Require a Smart Person ... There Is Nothing Called Smart Or Stupid ... There a person who works hard and loves what he is doing ... and another person who Does not want to work hard ... Cybersecurity is a Field Where you need to have the passion to work and the love to explore and learn more

Everyone Can Do it ... that Means YOU CAN be successful now ... its ok iif you failed or you did not understanded some shit ... but thru more practice and Getting Your Hands Dirty WIth The diffrent Technologies Out There ... You Will see the amazing results that will come out of your ideas and skills which will give the great career

So From Now .... Just Start In Something .. Pic Something Up And Start Learning !!

Number 0 : Professor Messer

this person is amazing at creating content and courses for Free for people are interested in CompTIA+ and they wanna get familiar with technologies out there ... i recommend checking out the " Training Playlists " ... starting with this Playlist .... watch the Video on YouTube To See the Full Playlist :-

WARNING: Watch This Video On YouTube To Access The Full Playlist

Number 1 :- Computerphile

This Channel Gives You An Essential Necessary Knowledge That You Will Need In The Future

I would Recommend Watching a Video Every Day If You Can ... It Would Be Freaking Informative

Number 2 :-

This Video is really informative .... Its Unlike all other Tutorials ... He will Explain How the Programming and coding Process Start From the Hard Disk Until The Code Execution In The Memory :-

Check Out His Channel Too ... It Contains A Lot Of Useful Ideologies In the Computer Science Field That You will Absolute Need in the Cybersecurity Career


In The Above Video, You Don't Need to Understand All The Shit ... You Only Need To LIsten and Start Asking Questions To Google ... Learning New Vocabularies In Cybersecurity Is Your Key To Open The Door Of Questions

Number 3 : How To Get Into Hacking ? :- MOST USEFUL ADVICE ON THE PLANET !!!

Number 4 : Understanding Cryptography :

Cryptography Is Really necessarily important If We Are Talking From The Tech Side ... Is a Defensive Machinism Used In Nearly Every Computer System Or Operation ... So Understanding It Will Give Us the Ability TO Break, Defend and Even Build a More Better Encrypted Network And Tech Services To The Online Users

Those Are URLs (YouTube Playlists) To The Most Useful Cryptography from The Security Perspective That I had Ever seen

1. Introduction to Cryptography by Christof Paar


2. Cryptography & Network Security By Neso Academy


Number 5 :

Security Study Plan

Complete Practical Study Plan to become a successful cybersecurity engineer based on roles like Pentest, AppSec, Cloud Security, DevSecOps and so on...

My Resources For Learning Cybersecurity

Some Useful Resources for beginners in Cybersecurity and Ethical hacking


My "Secret" Hacker Library

Every Book about Cybersecurity You Would Think of will Be Here !!

This Website Above Is Freaking Incredible For Leaked Courses And Tools ... Enjoy it

Pen200 - OSCP


Pen300 - OSEP

Active Directory Pentesting With Kali Linux - Full Bootcamp

Art Of Making Real-World Ransomware With Java and Defences!

Ultimate Ethical Hacking Bootcamp 2021 - Full Program

OSCP Biggest Cheat Sheet ON THE INTERNET !!!

Reverse Engineering And Exploit Development Basics

CPENT - Certified Penetration Tester

TCM Academy - Linux 101

Nmap Non-Sence Course

Plularsight - Malware Analysis Full Training Bootcamp

Practical Malware Analysis & Triage

Red Team Operator - Malware Development Essentials

Red Team Operator - Malware Development Intermediate

Red Team Operator Windows Persistence

Linux Rootkits for Red-Blue Teams

# Amazing Resources


One of the Best Cybersecurity Gitbooks Online, Filled With Amazing Notes About Hacking, Forensics, CTFs, Binary Exploitation, Hardware, Kernels, Exploitation And Much More !!

Pentesting For N00bs By Heath Adams

Now This Playlist Will GIve You The Basic Skills to start "Swiftly" into Discovering, Learning and Even Building The Career ... or Which I call "Hands On Terminal" ... So I reeally Recommend it For People Who is New To The Field

Watch The Full Playlist On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLKT__MCUeiyxF54dBIkzEXT7h8NgqQUB

Stream VODs By Alh4zr3d

This Playlist Will Simply Show You How People Think And Try To Solve Problems In Cybersecurity Thru Solving CTF Challenges

Watch the Full Playlist In Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi4eaGO3umboaOqaot7Oi7WszkSWRc4Pi

Nightmare - Binary Exploitation By guyinatuxedo

This Repo Is the reason i got Experienced in Binary Exploitation and Reverse Engineering through playing CTFs ... Highly Recommend it out

Active Directory Exploitation Cheat Sheet By S1ckB0y1337

This GitHub Repo Contains all the tooling techniques that you would need in an AD Pentest

VK9 Security

Another Red, Blue and Purple Teams Engagement Online Blog Posting Service

Performance Ninja By Denis Bakhvalov

Performance Ninja Class is a FREE self-paced online course for developers who want to master Software performance tuning.

In this course, you will practice analyzing and improving performance of your application.

It is NOT a course on algorithms and data structures. Instead, we focus on low-level CPU-specific performance issues, like cache misses, branch mispredictions, etc.

WARNING: Watch This Video On Youtube To Access The Full Playlist


My Favorite Blogs

Now This Right Here... Is Not Just a One Blogs .... This Contains THOUSANDS Of Cybersecurity And IT Security Related Blogs Relate Topica
amazing criminal site for malware geeks


Learn Programming & Automation

Programming For Cybersecurity :

In This Little Library I Have Collected Punch Of The Most Informative Books You Would Read Thru Your Career

C & C++ Basic Development :

This Websites Had Been Made For Beginners In a Friendly Way Containing Explanations and challenges about C/C++

Master Most Used Programming Languages Now Days :

This Website Contains Alll Notes You Would Ever Need In Your Programming Career

Free Programming Basics Channel ( My Favorite btw ;) ) :

This is ma giga chad man ... his explanations are really friendly and helped to get into it since i was 15

Contains Couples Playlists About Prigramming In Few Langs


My Favorite YouTube Channels For Cybersecurity:-

Subscribe To Those YouTube Channels Because you will learn A LOT!! From Checking them out

Train Your Skills

So Lets Say You Have Learned Something and you wanna test it in some how in a "Simulated" Environment Related To The Attack Vectors ... In This Section I will Mention The Main Web Academies And CTFs Online Services To Train, Learn and Have Fun With Skills You Gained


Tryhack Was and Still One of the most amazing online Acadmies and CTFs Hosted Services

Last updated